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Soviet Military IDs and Related Documents, Revolution - WW2

Photo ID of an Aviation Mechanic w. Naval Air Squadron of Military Baltic Fleet, c. 1918. VERY RARE, VG condition.

ID of a Railroad Guard Instructor, issued by 1st Military Signals Train, 1918. VG condition.

Weapon Carrying Permit of Red Army Railroad Defense Serviceman, March 1919. VG condition.

Military ID of a Driver w. 1st Infantry Brigade, 10th Rifle Division, RKKA, 1919. VG condition.

Military ID of a Musician w. 2nd Rifle Brigade, 2nd Ukrainian Soviet Division, 1919. VG/EXC condition.

Mandate Issued to a Regimental Commissar with the 11th Army RKKA, Turkestan Front, March 1920. VG condition.

Military ID of a Red Army Private, Railroad Troops, Nov. 1922. EXC condition.

Military ID of Red Army Reserve Serviceman of Georgian Ethnicity, 1927. VG/EXC condition.

Photo ID / Diploma of a Graduate of Children's Military University, 1933. Issued to a 13-year-old girl. EXC condition.

Photo ID of a Former Red Partisan, circa early 1930s. Issued to a former Red Partisan from Ukraine. Good condition.

ID of a Female Skier, Participant of the 1938 SPARTAKIADA (sports tournament) in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Red Army, VChK-GPU-NKVD. Uncommon elaborate design, VG condition.

Military Photo ID of a Combat Engineer Private, 1940. EXC condition.

Military Photo ID of a Vehicle Driver who Volunteered into Red Army on 5 July 1941, right after the Patriotic War began, took part in the defense of Leningrad. Issued Nov. 1941, VG condition.

WW2 Military Truck Registration Card, Dec. 1941. Very rare early Patriotic War issue, VG condition.

Military ID Card of a Military Medical Doctor, 1st cl. (equiv. rank of Colonel) of 55th Army, Leningrad Front, March 1942. The original owner, an ethnic Jew, served at the front for the entire duration of the war. Comes with a copy of his WW2 award commendations from the Russian archives. The ID photo is present but unattached, otherwise in excellent condition.

Temporary Photo ID of Officer of Political Dept., Voronezh Front, issued during Battle of Stalingrad, 17 Nov 1942. VG condition.

Temporary ID to Chief Political Officer & Deputy Commander of a Rifle Battalion, 1943. Rare, in VG condition.

Temporary ID of Chief of Intelligence of an Artillery Regiment, Dec. 1943. VG condition.

Narkomat of the Navy Photo ID of the Chief Political Officer of the Leningrad Naval Base, issued in April 1943 during the siege. Hand-signed by the commanding admiral. A rare document in very good to excellent condition.

WW2 Travel Pass For Military Lawyer to Go to Malaya Zemlya, beachhead near Novorossiysk, on a special mission, Sep. 1943. VG condition.

WW2 Pass for an Automobile Permitting Free Nighttime Movement in Kiev, 1944. Much scarcer than similar passes for Moscow or Leningrad. VG/EXC condition.

Lot of 2 Travel Order Passes, issued by the Dnieper Naval Flotilla to a female civilian military employee, 1944. VG condition.

Military Photo ID of Decorated Red Navy NCO, Fought as Naval Infantryman at Azov & Novorossiysk, took part in Defense of Odessa and the Caucasus, 1946. EXC condition.

Lot of 2 IDs of a Female MD, Soviet Member of Allied Control Commission in Romania, 1945 & 1946 issue. VG to EXC condition.

Photo ID of a former WW2 partisan in Ukraine, issued in 1968. EXC condition.

Photo ID of a WW2 Disabled Veteran, issued in 1976 in Ovruch District, Ukraine. Fair condition.

Temporary ID of a WW2 Veteran, March 1979. VG/EXC condition.

Draft Notice, late 1930s - early 40s. VG to EXC condition.

Certificate of taking the military oath issued to a colonel, 1944. VG to EXC condition.

Colonel Leonid Brezhnev, Chief Political Officer of the 18th Army, very rare war-time typed document signed, 19 May 1944. Eventually became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ruling USSR from 1964 to his death in 1982. VG /EXC condition.

Promotional Certificate of a Captain of Engineers of Jewish Ethnicity, contains a photo, issued in Stalingrad in Dec. 1944. Fair to good condition.

Service evaluation of a highly decorated artillery officer, written on 10 May 1945, the day after the official Soviet V-Day. VG/EXC condition.

Official Copy of Award Commendation for Hero of the Soviet Union 2 May 1945, the last day of the Battle of Berlin, w. Certified Archival Photo. EXC condition.

Official Excerpt from a General Order, Marked TOP SECRET, Demoting a Commanding Officer of the Soviet Occupational Forces in Germany, 1946. EXC condition.

WW2 Died of Wounds Notice, w. name and rank of the soldier, year of birth, date of death, and place of burial. VG to EXC condition.

WW2 Killed In Action Notice, w. Name and Rank of the Soldier, Date of Death and Place of Burial. VG to EXC condition.

WW2 Missing in Action Notice, w. name and rank of the soldier, year of birth, and date when the soldier went missing in action. VG to EXC condition.

WW2 Died of Illness Notice, w. name and rank of the soldier, year of birth, date of death, and place of burial. VG to EXC condition.

Officer's post-war report explaining his activities while in German encirclement in 1941. Rare, 1952. VG to EXC condition.

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