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Socialist Realism Paintings

Factory Fugue, Original Artwork Hand-Engraved on Zinc(not a lithograph!) Large 21" x 29" Format, Mixed Technique, by V. Novichenko, Inventor of the Technique, Artist Signed, 1977. EXC condition.

Park in Pavlovsk, REPRODUCTION of 1889 painting by I. Shishkin. Dated 1953, oil on canvas, original stretcher and frame. VG to EXC condition.

Autumn Park, original oil painting by artist L. Chesnokov (signed), 1980. Moody landscape in Socialist Realism style. Measures 55" x 41".

WW2 Soviet Naval Infantry Assault, large original oil on canvas painting, signed and dated by the artist, 1968.

Portrait of Lenin, original painting, artist signed, oil/canvas, dated 1965. Fair to good condition.

Portrait of Lenin, oil on canvas, circa 1960s-80s. Massive. 5'x 3 ¾' size. Judging by its huge size, this portrait must have once decorated the entrance hall or grand banquet room in some important Soviet government building. In fair to good condition.

Large Portrait of Lenin, 33" x 26", oil/canvas, with original period frame, c. 1950s-60s. Excellent condition.

Large Portrait of Lenin, 23 ½ x 31 ½", gouache on canvas, on original stretcher, dated 1969. VG condition.

Large Portrait of Stalin, oil on canvas, c. late 1940s- mid- 1950s. On stretcher, in original frame. VG condition.

Portrait of Stalin, oil on canvas, 24" x 31 ½", on stretcher. Artist signed original, dated 1954. Very good condition.

For Happy Childhood Huge Airbrushed Painting on Cloth, 1951. Original work, w. the artist's name on the verso. EXC condition.

Full Standing Portrait of Stalin, oil on canvas, mid- to late 1940s. Official copy of the famous 1945 portrait by Nalbandyan, Good condition.

Large Portrait of WW2 Soviet Soldier, in pencil on vellum paper, by unknown artist, possibly self-portrait, c. 1940s. VG to EXC condition.

Large Portrait of WW2 Soviet NCO, in pencil, artist signed, c. 1940s. Made in the city of Vyborg, annexed from Finland in Winter War in 1940. VG condition.

Large Standing Portrait of WW2 Soviet NCO, in pencil, c. mid- to late 1940s. EXC condition.

Large Standing Portrait of Decorated WW2 Soviet Soldier, in pencil, c. mid- to late 1940s. VG to EXC condition.

Major Golov, original painting, artist signed, oil/canvas, c. mid- to late-1940s. VG to Excellent condition.

Portrait of NKVD Sr. Lieutenant, original painting, oil/canvas, artist signed, 1945. EXC condition. Comes with a photo of the officer and his wife.

Original Drawing of AF Sr. Sgt. of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 1946. Artist signed and dated, EXC condition.

Woman Soldier, original painting, oil/canvas, c. mid- to late-1940s. VG to Excellent condition.

Portrait of Foremost Worker, original painting, oil/canvas, c. 1960s-70s. VG condition.

Border Guard with a Dog, original painting, artist signed, oil on canvas, dated 1976 & geographically placed. VG to EXC condition.

Ukrainian Artist's Hand Painted Prototype for Mass Production of Propaganda Poster, Artist Signed, 1952. Good condition.

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