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Photos of Imperial Russia

Emperor Nicholas II w. family and high-ranking military officers on a river bank, c. early 1910s. A rare photo of the royal family at an informal moment. VG/EXC condition.

Carte de Visite of Young Pince-Nez Wearing University Scholar.

Cabinet Photograph of a St Petersburg Mining Institute Student.

Dashing University Student or Civil Servant in Fur Collared Overcoat, c 1910.

Large cabinet card portrait of a University Student circa late 1800sby A. Yasvoin, "Photographer to the Russian Royal Family".

Moscow studio portrait of a teenager or young adult wearing a high-collared military style jacket, circa 1890-1900. Possibly either a then current or "traditional" coat from the Corps of Pages or one of the military schools in the Moscow area.

Cabinet Photo of a Portly Farmer's Market Policeman Posing with His 1881 Pattern Shaska.

Handsome Portrait of a Barrister or Mid-Level Law Court Official.

Young Nobleman and Uniformed Member of the Imperial Retinue.

Uniformed Civil Servant or Court Official wearing Saint Stanislaus 4th Class and His Regulation Civil Servant's 1855 Pattern Small Sword.

Russian State Employee cabinet photo w/ inscription to a friend, 1 January 1902. Clear images for imperial badge aficionados and collectors.

Large cabinet photo of a lady, early 1900s. Front and verso show Nicholas II Medal for Zeal awarded to the Photo Studio.

Russian Lady and Child, cabinet card photo, circa early 1900s. Classic image in excellent condition.

Large Studio Photo of Russian Intelligentsia. A very interesting group of people with a probable noblewoman seated in the middle, photo circa early 1900s.

Studio Photo of Four Well Dressed Friends, c1910.

Cabinet Card Portrait of a Young Gentleman with Impressive Pompadour and Mustache.

Carte de visite of a Beautiful Young Woman from Lepel (in present day Belarus).

Russian Man standing in his garden, cabinet card photo, circa 1900.

Faculty and Staff of the Teachers Council of a Methodist School somewhere in China, 1925-26, photographic print mounted on mat board. Probably originally framed and displayed in the headmaster's office.

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