Imperial Russian Lithographic Prints

A Senior Officer and a Private from the Cuirassier Guards
Regiment of His Majesty the Emperor, Reign of Nicholas I, 1834
- 1843. Hand-colored lithograph printed in 1861-62, #687 in
the series illustrating Russian military uniforms of Crimean
War era. This particular piece is a real stand-out in the
series not only because of the elite nature of the unit it
portrays, but also because of its rather uncommon composition
of two widely different ranks in a single frame. Beautiful
equestrian image in very good to excellent condition.

"The Enemy is Fearsome but God is Merciful", a lubok-
propaganda poster of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904. Printed in
Moscow in the early period of the war, when expectations of an
easy Russian victory ran high. The image as well as the
bigoted poem at the bottom ridicule the diminutive Asian foe
that recklessly dared to challenge the Russian giant. A scarce
and interesting piece in good condition.

Early WW1 Poster titled "Hero Soldier", summer 1914. Uncommon black-and-white lithograph depicts a heroic Russian hussar who at severe risk to his life rescued a wounded officer abandoned on the battlefield. The solider, Private David Vyzhimok, became one of the fist recipients of St. George Cross during the Great War. In excellent condition.

"Defeat of the German Troops at Gumbinen", 1914 lithograph by Sytin workshop depicting Cossacks decimating a German cavalry unit. Very good to excellent condition with fresh colors; minor discoloration in the upper margin and couple of tiny tears on bottom edge. A very attractive artwork of cavalry vs. cavalry action is from the era when such engagements were becoming increasingly rare!

"Great European War. An Episode of the Battle at Warsaw",
circa October 1914. Siberian soldiers slay Germans
cowering by an armored car; only airplanes appeared less
frequently than these metal monsters in Russian wartime
prints! An extremely unusual and dramatic lithograph in Lubok
style. Very good condition.