Veteran Badges of Air Force and Air Defense Units and Schools

Veteran's Badge in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of
the 2nd Special Purpose ("Spetsnaz") Aviation Division, 1982
issue. Throughout its long history, this very interesting
military unit was given secret assignments of highest
importance - such as flying Stalin and his retinue to the
Teheran Conference in 1943.

Veteran's Badge in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of
the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, 1980-81 issue.
By the number of enemy airplanes shot down, this was the best
Soviet fighter regiment of WW2. Equipped with Lavochkin
fighters, this illustrious air unit was decorated with Orders
of the Red Banner and Bogdan Khmelnitsky, and added an
honorific title of "Berlinskiy" for its role in the Battle of

Badge in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the 23rd
Mitava Separate Air Force Signals Regiment, 1982. A large and
attractive badge showing a Soviet Tupolev strategic bomber and
an Order of the Red Star bestowed upon the regiment for its
performance during WW2. After the war, this unit changed its
name several times until it became known as 92nd Mitava Combat
Command and Control Center.

Badge in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the 523rd
Fighter Air Regiment, 1971. One of the most illustrious of all
Soviet WW2 fighter units, this regiment was decorated with as
many as four orders, added an an honorific title of
"Orshinskiy" to its name, and received some 15 Stalin's
citations. In the early 50s it took part in the Korean War and
over the course of that conflict, claimed over 100 US and
South Korean aircraft shot down.