Order of the Red Banner, Type 2, Var. 3, Sub-var. 1, #62397, awarded to a Naval
Infantry Battalion Commander for the Battle of Stalingrad. He showed
outstanding leadership and personal courage over the course of Operation Koltso
("Ring"), the final stage of the battle. At the time, his Naval
Rifle Brigade was a part of the 64th Army which captured Field Marshal Paulus,
commander of the German VI Army. Earlier, the recipient was awarded with an Order
of the Red Star for capturing an advantageous position with his naval battalion
and killing some 300-350 Germans in hand-to-hand combat in a single engagement in
mid-September 1942, during the most difficult period of the defensive phase of the
Battle of Stalingrad. In VF condition, outstanding for an early screw back
version. Comes with archival research.

Order of the Red Star, Type 4 Var. 3, #67423, Nov. 1942 award for the Soviet
Counteroffensive at Stalingrad to a corporal, a
120-mm mortar crew commander of the 21st Army, Stalingrad Front. With his crew, he
killed a large number of enemy soldiers and greatly helped the advance of his unit
in the first days of the Operation
Uran . He had also been awarded with a Medal for Combat Service in the
weeks of the Battle of Stalingrad (both of his decorations are among the earliest
awarded for that battle.) The order is in Fine condition and comes with archival

Order of the Red Star, Type 4 Var. 3 (with screw post base), #119927, awarded Feb.
1943 to Chief Political Officer of the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps, 57th Army,
for the Battle of Stalingrad. In the Soviet Nov. 1942 counteroffensive, his
corps acted as the armored spearhead of the Stalingrad Front, greatly contributed
in thwarting Mainstein's relief effort in the following month, and was soon given
an honorary title of "Stalingradskiy" and made a Guards unit for its outstanding
performance. VF/ EXC condition, a beautiful early piece free of significant wear.
Archival research is included.

Medal for Combat Service, Type 1 Var. 3, #234594, awarded in January 1943 to a 19-
year-old Recon Scout of the 189th Tank Regiment, Don Front, for the Battle of
Stalingrad. Later, he got promoted to Guards Sr. Sgt., received two more
decorations for bravery, and was put in command of an armored personnel carrier.
The medal is in VF condition, a well-preserved attractive example showing a great
amount of character. Comes with archival research.

138th Rifle / 70th Guards Rifle Division Veteran Badge, 1980. During the Battle of
Stalingrad, the division was a part of the famed 62nd Army and held a tiny
bridgehead along the Volga near the Barrikady Factory. It was subsequently given
the Guards status for its heroic stand in Stalingrad. Awarded with the Order of
Lenin, two Order of the Red Banner, and Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Khmelnitsky
2nd cl. during WW2, the division was one of the most decorated units in the
Soviet army. VF / EXC condition.