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WW2 and Soviet Military History Books

Catalog of Soviet Merchant Fleet Ships, Dry Bulk Carriers. A Very Rare 1985 edition, only 1,800 copies ever printed. In excellent condition.

Battles in Finland, Veterans Reminisce, in 2 volumes, 1941. Richly illustrated w. a map, photos and drawings, Russian text. VG condition.

Soldier's Glory, Volume 6. I. Roschin. C. 1982, Moscow. Russian text, hard cover, 255 pp.

First Russian Revolution 1905-1907 50th Anniversary Photo Album, Very Large Format, Luxury Edition, Dated 1955.

To read more about the history of the Bolshevik uprising and the rise of the Soviet state, please visit the Vintage Soviet Literature section of our website.


Cavaliers of the Gold Stars Nikolay Babaev, Yuriy Ustinov. C. 2001, Moscow. Russian text, hard cover with d/j, 470 pp, hundreds of b/w photos. This book contains biographies of all twenty-three recipients of 3 or more Hero Stars (HSU and/or HSL).

Marshals And Fleet Admirals Of The Soviet Union, by A. Kutsenko, Kiev, C. 2000, large format, hardcover, Russian text. Includes not only illustrations of awards, but also photos of personal artifacts: honor pistols, swords, uniforms, etc. Scarce out of print book in brand-new condition.

Commanders of the Corps, Great Patriotic Biographic Encyclopedia, 2 Volumes. I. Basik, B. Vedenskiy et al. C. 2006, Moscow. Russian text, hard cover, 670 pp and 462 pp per volume. These books are a part of the 4-volume "Great Patriotic" series.

Admirals and Generals of the USSR Navy in the Period of the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet-Japanese War (1941- 1945), Vyacheslav Lur'e. Russian text, capsule history of ALL Soviet navy admirals.

Soviet Order of Battle, WW2, Volume 6: Red Thunder. Soviet Artillery Corps, Divisions and Brigades 1941 - 1945. Including Rocket, Antitank, and Mortar Units, English text.

Kursk 1943. A Statistical Analysis, by N. Zetterling and A. Frankson C. 2000, English text, hardcover, 270 pp.

Kursk, Hitler's Gamble, 1943, by Walter S. Dunn Jr, English text, soft cover, 208 pages, History's largest armored battle, based on declassified Russian documents and captured German records.

Red Army Tank Commanders: the Armored Guards, by Richard Armstrong. English text, hardcover, 476 pages.

Red Army Legacies, Essays on Forces, Capabilities & Personalities by Richard Armstrong. English language text.

Soviet Troops in Germany 1945-1994, commemorative album and excellent reference source on the post-WW2 Soviet military presence in East Germany. Moscow, 1994. Russian and German text.

Commanders of the Armies, Great Patriotic a Biographic Encyclopedia. Abramov, Ageev et al. C. 2005, Moscow. Russian text, hard cover, 406 pp. Part of the 4-volume "Great Patriotic" series. Outstanding comprehensive reference, and the first of its kind.

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