
Col. Gen. Sergey Biryuzov, future Marshal of the Soviet Union, typed document signed, 1953, as Commander of the Maritime Military District. Led the 2nd Guards Army in Operation Saturn during the battle for Stalingrad. Fought in both the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts. Helped to liberate both Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Hero of the Soviet Union. Officer promotional evaluation, VG condition.

Anastas Mikoyan, Deputy Chairman of the Soviet of People's Commissars, People's Commissar for Foreign Trade, at the time responsible for export-import trade, supplies for the military, member of the Committee for restoration of economy in the regions liberated from the Nazi occupation. typed document signed, 1945. Handwritten resolution on a letter with a complaint about an exporter enterprise. EXC condition.

Col. Gen. Mitrofan Nedelin, future Marshal of the Soviet Union, Chief Marshal of Artillery, first Commander of the Rocket Forces of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, best known as the highest-ranking officer among the 120+ people to die during the test rocket explosion in 1960 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Typed document signed, 1945, officer promotional evaluation. EXC condition.

Gen. Ivan Pavlovskiy, Supreme Commander of Soviet Army Ground Troops, Commander of the Joined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact countries during the infamous "Prague Spring" of 1968, Hero of the Soviet Union, strong opponent of entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. Typed document signed, 1976, political officer promotional evaluation. VG condition..

Marshal of the Soviet Union Fyodor Tolbukhin, partially typed document signed, 1947, less than tво years before his death. He was Deputy Commander of the Stalingrad Military District and during the Battle for Stalingrad commanded the 57th Army. By the end of the war, he had commanded, at various times, the Southern, 3rd Ukrainian, and 4th Ukrainian Fronts. Officer promotional evaluation, VG condition.

Iosif Unshlikht, then Deputy People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the USSR, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council; printed & typed document signed, large honorary certificate issued in 1928 to former Red Army Deputy Commissar of a workers' detachment during the Civil War. Good condition.

Genrikh Yagoda, Chief of Special Operations, VChK, Member of Presidium of the VChK, Member of the Collegium of the GPU, a major driving force in preparation for Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s. One-page document w. handwritten resolution & 2 signatures on the same page, in black pencil, 1921. Recommendation to replace the trade representative or adjust his official title, signed by Georgiy Chicherin, Narkom for Foreign Affairs. Good condition.

Deluxe leather-bound, gold-stamped 1967 "Fiftieth Anniversary of the Great October Revolution" address book once belonging to Marshal of the Soviet Union Andrey Yeremenko. Autograph document, filled with interesting notations (such as his plans for a speech) and a wide variety of personal telephone numbers (Brehznev, Bulganin, Zhukov, the Minister of Culture [Ekaterina Furtseva], the head of the French Communist Party, etc., etc.) VG to EXC condition.

Georgy Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, First Deputy to Stalin in WW2, typed document signed, 9 Dec. 1947, while Commander of the Odessa Military District and during the period of his virtual "internal exile" when Stalin sought to insure that Zhukov, four times Hero of the Soviet Union and recipient of two Orders of Victory, and other victorious Soviet WW2 generals would ever pose a threat to his hold on power. Officer promotional evaluation. EXC condition.