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Navy and Naval School Veteran Badges

Badge to a Navy Sailor for Good Memory of Service on Kamchatka Peninsula, circa 1980s. Shows a submarine and an active volcano. Excellent condition.

Badge in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of a Pacific Fleet Naval Unit, circa 1981.

Badge of a Veteran of the 61st Separate Naval Rifle Brigade, circa 1970s - 80s.

Badge (Medal) of a Participant of Northern Convoys, issued in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Arrival of the First WW2 Allied Convoy into the Port of Archangelsk (PQ 0 "Dervish"). The badge was awarded in August 1991 to foreign and Soviet veteran sailors invited to Arkhangelsk to celebrate the anniversary. An extremely interesting and historically significant piece.

Badge of a Participant of Sailing in WW2 Arctic Convoys, issued in 1991 to a British or US sailor who attended the 50th Anniversary Veterans Meeting in Arkhangelsk. Features English-language inscription on the suspension. EXC condition.

Veteran Badge in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 7th "Atlantic" Naval Squadron, 1978. This unit was created in 1968 specifically to counter the American Navy in the Atlantic Ocean. Excellent condition.

Badge of the XXIV Graduation Class of the Highest Naval Submarine Academy (VVMUPP), 1975. Beautifully made massive badge in brass and enamels. Excellent condition.

Kirov Caspian Highest Naval Academy (KVVMKU) 50th Anniversary badge, 1979. Impressive piece in EXC condition.

Soviet Second World War Veteran Badges, Paul Schmitt, C. 2008. English text, soft cover w. gloss finish, 79 pp., over 400 color photos. Brand new copy in excellent condition.

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