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Achievement Certificate to Comrade Demyanovskaya for high results in fundraising, issued by the factory committee on 7 November 1933, anniversary of October Revolution.

Uncommonly large format measuring 13" x 22" when unfolded. Lavish design features abundant and colorful industrialization-themed artwork on the inside surrounding the text of the award certificate and propaganda photos, statistic, mottos and quotations from Lenin and Stalin on the outside, extolling the successes of industrialization of the first Five-Year Plan (1928-32). Even more uncommonly, the award was given to Comrade Demyanovskaya for active socio-political work "among the shareholders, raising capital and getting advances." This is not the language of planned centralized socialist economy, so perhaps the award was related to the New Economic Policy (1921-28) which allowed - temporarily! - some aspects of free market economy, private property, and attraction of foreign capital into Soviet enterprises.

In very good condition. The outside shows minor wear to the edges, small missing bits of the white coating layer of the paper, and very light soiling to the lower right-hand corner, probably by human fingers. The inside has faired even better. The most "intrusive" wear is partial separations to the fold lines. Mild soiling is evident but is almost entirely contained to the white margins, leaving the vibrant colors of the graphics intact. Overall, a spectacular artifact from the Early Soviet era to grace and diversify a collection of early Soviet memorabilia.

Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.

Item# 43897

$120.00  Add to cart

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