Achievement certificate issued to professor N. Rezvyakov for active participation in socialist competition among higher and vocational schools to implement new programs needed for industrialization of the country, 1934.
Large format, measuring 11" x 16". Lavishly decorated using airbrushing on top of a 2-color lithograph. The logo of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the central news and propaganda organ of the Young Communist League and organizer of this socialist competition, decorates the certificate on top right.
The certificate is issued to Professor N. Rezvyakov (Н.П. Резвяков) for "active participation in the All-Union socialist competition among higher and vocational schools in implementation of the 19 September 1932 resolutions of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR."
The certificate bears a facsimile signature of Avel Enukidze, a prominent "Old Bolshevik", member of the Central Committee of VKP(b) holding top positions in the executive branch of the government, Stalin's close cohort, who happened to chair the committee administering and judging this socialist competition. Just as an aside note, being Stalin's close cohort did nothing to stop the bullet when Enukidze was executed in 1937 in Stalin's Purge.
The significance of Enukidze's signature is that it indicates the level of importance Stalin paid to implementing this higher and vocational education reform. Its main drive was to increase the number of students dramatically, to organize evening schools so that students could study and work at the same time. The demand for educated workforce was enormous and paramount for implementation of Stalin's plans of industrialization of the country.
In excellent condition. The paper is supple, showing no significant fraying of the edges or corners. Soiling and staining is minimal and confined to the margins, which also show a few pushpin holes.
Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.
Item# 42197
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