Honorary Certificate # 3816 issued in 1928 to former Red Army Deputy Commissar Mikhail Mishin (Михаил Мишин), by Revolutionary Military Council on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the RKKA (Red Army).
Large format, measuring 11" x 15 ˝". The blank certificate form is a high-quality lithographic print, circulation mere 6,400 copies. The USSR State Emblem at top center is the first version, featuring only six scrolls symbolizing the original six republics comprising the Soviet Union at that time.
The text of the citation states that Mikhail Mishin is honored by the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR for his courage and determination in the struggle against the enemies of the socialist fatherland during his service in 1917-1918 as deputy commissar of a detachment of workers of the Bogurayevskiy Quarry fighting on the Southern Front in the Civil War, and on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the RKKA.
The citation bears the seal of the Deputy People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and is hand-signed by him. At the time, the post was held by Iosif Unshlikht, а Polish and Russian revolutionary, Soviet government official and one of the founders of the VChK.
The hand-written notation in the upper left-hand corner of the obverse appears to be an official's confirmation that the recipient of the certificate had been issued and received its duplicate. The notation is signed and dated 27 December 1940. A similar notation on the verso appears to be another such confirmation, possibly signed by Mishin himself.
In good condition despite considerable wear to the edges and mild staining. The certificate used to be stored folded in four, apparently for a long time, but the fold lines have been repaired on the verso with clear tape, and the wear to the obverse does not reach the ornamental frame or anything inside it.
Iosif Unshlikht (Józef Unszlicht, Иосиф Станиславович Уншлихт, 1879 - 1938) was a professional revolutionary, having abandoned his original profession of an electrician. Six arrests and many years of prison and Siberian exile prior to the October revolution served as a firm foundation for a stellar career in the fledgling Soviet government. However, being one of the founders and, from 1921 to 1923, Deputy Chairman of the VChK - GPU, did little to prevent him from falling victim of Stalin's purges and death by firing squad in 1938.
Interestingly enough, Unshlikht's "confession" was a fake of his own making. He admitted it to the Supreme Court of the USSR stating that he just could not endure "prolonged interrogation" in the organization he had worked so hard to create.
Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.
Please also note that the photo of Unshlikht is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not included with the document.
Item# 42063
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