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Award certificate for State Prize, #19754, 1987 issue.

Very fine quality 6" by 4" document. Hard covered booklet bound in burgundy red leather with impressed gold lettering on the cover. Shows serial number of the certificate (#19754) - usually not matching the number on the medal that was issued with it.

The prize was awarded on 30 October 1987 to Vladimir Pantyukhov, foreman of a pipe laying team, Special Agency #247, Construction Trust #14, Belorussian SSR Ministry for Construction. The list at the beginning of the citation mentions him among several other workers of various construction enterprises throughout the Soviet Union awarded with the Prize on the same day. Additionally, there is a line specifying that this particular document was issued to Pantyukhov. He was awarded for "outstanding achievements in labor and big personal contribution in improving quality and reducing the time to build objects of social sphere".

The verbose citation in typically Soviet bureaucratic style simply means that Pantyukhov and his team did well in building houses and public facilities. According to the Internet sources, Construction Trust #14 operated in the Gomel Region of Belorussia where it built multi-story apartment buildings, schools, hospitals etc. In 1989 it became a cooperative as a result of Gorbachev's reforms and changed its name to simply "Trust #14". The enterprise continues to operate in now independent Belarus under the old name Construction Trust #14, currently as a publicly traded corporation.

The document is in excellent condition.

Item# 41841

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