Soviet Porcelain [Volume 2] I Nasonova & S Nasonov, 2007, Moscow.
Small format (8 ¼" x 6"), 319 pp., Russian text, high-resolution color photo illustrations. Cloth-bound hardcover with a dust jacket and integral woven silk bookmark tape.
This is the second volume of a five-volume series about the myriad number of porcelain figures that were manufactured in the former Soviet Union. Together, the five volumes comprise the most comprehensive reference on this topic ever written. Individually, Volumes One through Three focus on a select number of the most popular themes that repeatedly inspired Soviet artists from 1918 to 1991. The themes explored in Volume Two are:
Childhood / Preschoolers (Счастливое детство. Дошкольники)
Happy Life of Collective Farmers (Радостная колхозная жизнь)
Fraternity of Nations (Дружба народов)
Theater, Opera and Ballet (Тeатр, опера и балет)
Dance (Танцы и пляски)
Animal Sculptures (Анималистическая скульптура)
Volume Two also provides further valuable information about collecting of Soviet porcelain. It provides biographies of Soviet porcelain artists not covered in Volume One (again identifying those still active!), and it provides a large bibliography - between this and Volume One, there is probably nothing that has ever appeared in print about this topic that is not recorded and accounted for. The pieces illustrated are identified by sculptor and manufacturer; not only are they dated as to when they were created but if the version shown in the photo dates from a later time frame, it is also specified.
In excellent, near-mint condition! Apart from almost non-existent traces of shelf-wear to the dust jacket, the book is practically blemish-free.
Once again, this is a rare out-of-print comprehensive reference source, highly recommended for all porcelain collectors.
Item# 39668
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