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Item# 44764   $130.00  Add to cart   Show All Images   Download PDF
Poster with a Lithographic Print of A. Gerasimov's painting of Stalin making a speech at the XVIII Congress of VKP(b), 1939.

Measures approx. 14" x 18", the image size is 9" x 11 ¾". Published by The Soviet Artist Publishing House, circulation 500,000 copies. The image copies the large oil-on-canvas painting of Stalin making his famous speech at the XVIII Congress of the Communist Party where he announced the building of socialism completed, and it was time to shift gradually to building communism.

In very good condition. A few wrinkles and creases, some of which reach through the paint to the white under it, are not too intrusive to the eye. The colors are vibrant, which is typical of Gerasi

Measures approx. 14" x 18", the image size is 9" x 11 ¾". Published by The Soviet Artist Publishing House, circulation 500,000 copies. The image copies the large oil-on-canvas painting of Stalin making his famous speech at the XVIII Congress of the Communist Party where he announced the building of socialism completed, and it was time to shift gradually to building communism.

In very good condition. A few wrinkles and creases, some of which reach through the paint to the white under it, are not too intrusive to the eye. The colors are vibrant, which is typical of Gerasimov's style. A lithographic print of his hand signature and year is seen at the upper right-hand corner of the image.

Please note that the 1-ft. ruler in our photo is for size reference.
$130.00  Add to cart