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Item# 43905   $50.00  Add to cart   Show All Images   Download PDF
Honorary Citation to Lidya Stopchanskaya, a pianist with the Krasnodar Regional Theater of Musical Comedy for entertaining Black Sea Fleet sailors in Sevastopol, 1960.

Measures 9 ¾" x 13 ½", colorfully decorated with symbols of the Soviet Armed Forces. The citation was issued for participation in organizing cultural patronage concerts for sailors of the Black Sea Fleet. The citation bears the seal of the Political Directorate of the Black Sea Fleet and is hand-signed by First Deputy Chief of the directorate.

In excellent condition. Printed on thick cardboard-like paper, the citation shows just minor corner bumps and an occasional wrinkle, all contained to the white margins and not detractive. The horizontal fold line in the middle has long since

Measures 9 ¾" x 13 ½", colorfully decorated with symbols of the Soviet Armed Forces. The citation was issued for participation in organizing cultural patronage concerts for sailors of the Black Sea Fleet. The citation bears the seal of the Political Directorate of the Black Sea Fleet and is hand-signed by First Deputy Chief of the directorate.

In excellent condition. Printed on thick cardboard-like paper, the citation shows just minor corner bumps and an occasional wrinkle, all contained to the white margins and not detractive. The horizontal fold line in the middle has long since flattened out, is still visible but barely so.

Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.
$50.00  Add to cart