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Item# 43179   $50.00  Add to cart   Show All Images   Download PDF
"Triangle" Letter to Family, sent to Slavyansk, Ukraine, in February 1941.

This is one of the legendary треугольник ("triangle") letters forever tied in Russian people's memory with the Patriotic War. However, the date on this letter tells us that the triangle format was not a wartime invention. Note the postal mark however! From 22 June 1941 until the end of the war, the Soviet postal service worked postage-free. So, this letter brings together pre-war postage and wartime coverless triangles. One of the first triangles with one of the last pre-war postal marks!

Another reason for u

This is one of the legendary треугольник ("triangle") letters forever tied in Russian people's memory with the Patriotic War. However, the date on this letter tells us that the triangle format was not a wartime invention. Note the postal mark however! From 22 June 1941 until the end of the war, the Soviet postal service worked postage-free. So, this letter brings together pre-war postage and wartime coverless triangles. One of the first triangles with one of the last pre-war postal marks!

Another reason for unsealed coverless letters was wartime censorship. Each item of correspondence was perused by censors, and this open format made it easier on everyone.

In very good to excellent condition. The letter was written on a sheet of graph paper torn out of a school notebook. Soviet school notebooks were never famous for high-quality paper, so it can be said that this letter is very well preserved, all things considered. The paper is a little frail but not brittle, wrinkle-free, and only moderately age-toned. Traces of small amounts of glue (this was pre-war, letters were not censored and could be sealed) are evident but not too obvious or detractive. The ink is bright, and the text is perfectly legible.

The letter was sent from Dzerzhinsk, a city in the Bakhmut District, Stalino (now Donetsk) Region, to Slavyansk, another district center in the same region. Fascinating how geography and history reverberate through space in time!

Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.
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