Bust of Karl Marx in Silumin, painted black, maker marked, circa 1960s-80s.
Stands over 10: tall, the plinth is approx. 6" x 5 ½", weighs close to 9 lbs. Maker marked on the back of the plinth with the logo of the Workshop of Artistic Casting, Mytishchi (suburb of Moscow). The artist's name, L(ev) Kerbel, is visible in relief in the back, on the right side. Previous gold coating is visible through a couple of small spots on Marx's right shoulder where the black finish has worn off. Apparently, this bust was re-coated in Dutch soot, normally used to coat cast iron artwork.
In very good to excellent condition. The black coating shows only very few random w
Stands over 10: tall, the plinth is approx. 6" x 5 ½", weighs close to 9 lbs. Maker marked on the back of the plinth with the logo of the Workshop of Artistic Casting, Mytishchi (suburb of Moscow). The artist's name, L(ev) Kerbel, is visible in relief in the back, on the right side. Previous gold coating is visible through a couple of small spots on Marx's right shoulder where the black finish has worn off. Apparently, this bust was re-coated in Dutch soot, normally used to coat cast iron artwork.
In very good to excellent condition. The black coating shows only very few random worn-off spots that allow us to see the gold underneath. There are also two silvery vertical stripes in the chest area - unfortunate but not too detractive. If desired, the black coating can probably be restored in those places. In any case, all the wear is not very noticeable against the massive sculpture.
Lev Kеrbel (Лев Ефимович Кербель, 1917 - 2003), was a renowned Soviet sculptor, Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of the Lenin Prize (1961) and Stalin Prize 1st cl. (1950), Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts (1988 - 2003). His entire long and illustrious career was focused on portraying communist leaders, and communist war heroes. A special place in his heart was held for the father of communism, Karl Marx. Kerbel's monument to Marx in the East German city of Karl Marx Stadt (nowadays known again by its historical name of Chemnitz) brought him an Order of Karl Marx from the grateful DDR Government.
Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.
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