Honorary Certificate to Maria Malikova (Мариа Ивановна Маликова), a Leningrad bank employee, 20 February 1945.
Large format, measuring 10" x 13 ¼". Richly decorated with colorful stenciled artwork anchored by the emblem of the RSFSR, top center. Issued by the Leningrad Community Bank and the Regional Committee of Finance Employees Union, the certificate cites Maria Malikova for her excellent work performance during the Great Patriotic War. All things considered, we can say with near-100% certainty that Maria Malikova was a survivor of the 900 days of the Leningrad Siege.
In very good condition. The paper is very lightly, almost imperceptibly, wrinkled; there are five minuscule rips to the
Large format, measuring 10" x 13 ¼". Richly decorated with colorful stenciled artwork anchored by the emblem of the RSFSR, top center. Issued by the Leningrad Community Bank and the Regional Committee of Finance Employees Union, the certificate cites Maria Malikova for her excellent work performance during the Great Patriotic War. All things considered, we can say with near-100% certainty that Maria Malikova was a survivor of the 900 days of the Leningrad Siege.
In very good condition. The paper is very lightly, almost imperceptibly, wrinkled; there are five minuscule rips to the side edges, easily and quickly repairable with library tape on the verso, if desired. The colors of the artwork are vibrant and bright. The handwritten entries and the seal are perfectly legible but look a little pale, not because the ink has faded but because the ink was watered down to begin with. Not very surprising for Leningrad circumstances in February of 1945.
Please note that the pen in our photo is for size reference.
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