Medal of Honored Scientist of Ukrainian SSR, 1967-1988 issue.
Gold-plated brass, lacquer paint; medallion measures 27.1 mm in height (incl. eyelet), 24.3 mm in width. Shows late-type circular logo КЮЗ ("KYuZ") of the Kiev Jewelry Factory on the reverse of the suspension.
In excellent condition. The details and gilt finish on the medallion are perfect. The lacquer on the suspension device shows only some miniscule contact marks, no chips or other significant wear.
Literally translated as "Honored Advancer of Science", this title was mostly an award for purely scientific studies as opposed to the "Adva
Gold-plated brass, lacquer paint; medallion measures 27.1 mm in height (incl. eyelet), 24.3 mm in width. Shows late-type circular logo КЮЗ ("KYuZ") of the Kiev Jewelry Factory on the reverse of the suspension.
In excellent condition. The details and gilt finish on the medallion are perfect. The lacquer on the suspension device shows only some miniscule contact marks, no chips or other significant wear.
Literally translated as "Honored Advancer of Science", this
title was mostly an award for purely scientific studies as
opposed to the "Advancer of Science and Technology" title also
instituted in 1967 for applied, technology oriented research.
Relatively few of this award were ever bestowed during its 20-
year existence. The reference guide Honorary Titles of
Ukrainian SSR by V.A. Boev (C. 2014, Kiev) puts the
number of issues at anywhere from 501-750.
$180.00 Add to cart