ODVF Badge "Ultimatum", 1923, quality REPRODUCTION.
Just like the original, the badge is made in tin with bronze finish, and has a correct pin attachment. Measures about 39.5 mm wide, same size as the original.
Issued by the Soviet ODVF ("Society of Friends of Air Fleet") Organization, this pin was created in response to the "Curzon Ultimatum" - an official UK government note penned in early May 1923 by Lord Curzon and delivered to the Soviet Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. The note threatened to terminate any trade agreements with Russia if the Soviets do not seize fomenting rebellion in British-controlled parts
Just like the original, the badge is made in tin with bronze finish, and has a correct pin attachment. Measures about 39.5 mm wide, same size as the original.
Issued by the Soviet ODVF ("Society of Friends of Air Fleet") Organization, this pin was created in response to the "Curzon Ultimatum" - an official UK government note penned in early May 1923 by Lord Curzon and delivered to the Soviet Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. The note threatened to terminate any trade agreements with Russia if the Soviets do not seize fomenting rebellion in British-controlled parts of Asia as well as harassment of British fishing vessels in international waters near Soviet Union. In the USSR, the "ultimatum" was met with (faked) indignation and used as a propaganda tool. One of the manifestations of "righteous anger" with the Brits and the West in general was collecting funds to build Soviet aviation to repel "military intervention". The pin "Ultimatum" was given to those who have donated to build airplanes.
The 1923 originals of this badge are quite scarce and
expensive, so the exact, authentic-looking copy we are
offering here can be a nice filler in the collector's
display - or just a fun "conversation piece" to pin on
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